How To Use Oberon Valuer To Desire

transaction fee  is more often than not going to be where  your real proper the bulk of your  profits going to come into play and then  in recent years Visa and MasterCard have  created new interchange level that’s a  little bit lower than retail and  restaurant type

transactions because  it’s it’s for nonprofits and most of the  time when people make a donation to a to  a cause they believe in they’re not  going to charge that back so there’s  very low risk and so they can provide a  better interchange rate in recent years  also utilities have been able to accept  credit cards as a method of payment so  they too will have a lower rate on  change ecommerce web strands actions on  those those are going to be keyed so  that would

be a higher rate than your  typical retail card established swiped  rate so I could be a retail guy right on  the corner here but I could also have a  website so my retail be one point five  four percent for a plain rack card .  for a rewards card  basis points for a  debit card but then when someone buys  from my website now it’s going to jump  to maybe one point eight percent

to two  percent and that’s because the card is  not present for those transactions much  more opportunity for risk so the  association’s that determine interchange  would have a higher interchange rate for  that now what I’m going to recommend you  all do for oberon Property Valuations homework is go to the  websites and understand interchange to a  greater degree you can go to visa you  can go to master card you can go to amex  and discover or you can just go straight  to google and type in visa interchange  and then you’re going to come up with  this web address and it’s going to give  you the PDF and it’s going to show a  breakdown on plane r a debit for the  different channels you’re going to see

  credit for the different channels you’re  going to see credit with reward you’re  going to see the corporate card you’re  going to see procurement cards you’re  going to see all of those different line  items on visa mastercard and discover as  well now i want to also cut it tiptoe  into a little bit of the interchange  differences